Assigning faders ---------------- Now that the lights are configured, let's start with the most basic controlling of the lights: setting their individual colours. For this, the fader window is used. By default, the fader window has 10 faders. However, with 8 RGB channels, we have 24 colours to control. 24 faders are quite a lot to show at once, so I will show how to create 2 fader frames each with 12 faders. First we need to add 2 faders to this frame. Press the *Menu* button on the top-left of the fader window, and select *Add fader*. Repeat this once more to end up with 12 faders. Faders can be assigned in several ways. The simplest way to assign a fader is by pressing <..> below the fader. This opens an object list showing your lights A..H. Select one, then select which *Input* to assign the fader to (R, G or B), and press *Select* to assign the individual fader. This would be rather repetitive to repeat 24 times. From the fader menu, it is also possible to select the option *Assign*, which assigns all the faders within this frame one by one to all (unassigned) inputs. After this, the fader window looks like this: .. image:: images/faders-assigned.png :alt: The fader window after assigning all faders. :width: 100% Note the text under the faders, saying (for example) "*RGB A (R)*". This refers to fixture RGB A, channel R. Next chapter: :doc:`controlling-lights`